Finally i have internet again, after a broken router i lost connection with the outer world... sending a router is not as easy as you might think.
So time to continue my steering rack replacing:
Saturday feb 26th arround 12:30 i started to remove the rack for a oneman job it took me 4 hours.
There where not that many picture moments, took some time to remove the 4 bolts ( Ladin164QV you're right with the 4 bolts, it will save 30% of the time if you are with 2 man to remove the 4 bolts) but for a first time oneman job i'm not complaning.
Here some pictures:
Preparations to lift the car and remove the front wheels.

Plastic covers needs to be removed also.

Jack and wheels for additional support, safety first.....

Important piece of equipment, long cap 17, a few extensions, a ratchet and a knee. Cap 13 is also required to loosening the bolts of the protection plate.

After a few hous the old steering rack is removed.
For convenience, I have loosened the oilhose from the steeringhouse, gave me a little more space for the rear bolt to turn.

The old rack.

Tighten the nut on the pushrod a little bit loose so you can turn the rod from the fuse, tighten the nut against the rod, but do not overtighten.
If you have the rod out measuring the distance of the threaded rod that you have turned out, this distance is for the new steering rack needed, this is not 100% good but later you need to align the car also.
Length of the stud from the fuse. zat.

Removing the metal protection place after you loosend it will not be easy, i had a strugle with it. and removed it after the rack was removed.
To remove the rack you need to turn it to the engine and pull it out on the driversside of the car.
So far so good, the next day i made pictures when i put back the new rack.